02 | The Arrival of the Younger/Elder

The Younger:

“I’m approaching the city.

This place has grown so much since I was a boy. I don’t know if I’m happy to be back or scared to see what they’ve changed. 

There’s something otherworldly about it. Every step I take, it feels like I’m getting heavier. 

Like this city has its own gravity. Like once I get inside, I won’t have the strength to leave.

I might be…I might be a little scared. I think there are ghosts here.”

The Elder:

“No one ever speaks of what to do when Hell freezes over.

The joke is in the clause. No one takes any part of it seriously.

No one sees when Hell grows around them. The indistinguishable heat of civilization, enclosed in the cold steel of industry. 

Our pain is that of a slow death; so slow it is eternal.

And our mistake?

For all our pride, how were we of so little faith?

We thought God was the only one who could build a deathless prison.”

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